Who We Are?
Our Mission
The mission of this site is to conduct a balanced and impartial analysis of the Christian faith, addressing objections with the same degree of fairness and consideration.
The site is called “The Message of Gabriel” due to the fact that is my name, as well as to pay respect to the Angel in the Bible. I hope you find this information enjoying and informative, as I add and update the site over the years.
Honest Apologetics
The Holy Scriptures state that one is to be on guard, at a moments notice to defend the faith.
1 Peter 3:15:
“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”
However this must be done in an honest and fair methodology. I will attempt to showcase the good and absurd arguments that I come across.
Our Core Values
The values of this platform is to respect all faiths, and does not condone the hatred or bigotry of anyone else’s beliefs. The attempt is to simply point out the inconsistencies and point out proper analysis of what one’s faith claims.